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  1. Long time, no hear from me. Although I haven't been commenting lately, I've made sure to stay updated whenever you've posted something new, because this blog is a joy to follow. There really ought to be a way bigger interest for it if you could just target the right crowd. Have you considered trying to market it via Tabeltennisdaily.co.uk? That is probably the biggest international table tennis forum around, with a lot of users having an immense interest in Chinese table tennis.

    Anyway, what I like best: I really appreciate all the time you put in to subtitling the CCTV coverage of the national team. It's taught me a lot, and provides insight into the workings of the national team that is really, really hard to come by through any other means. On the blog, I personally like the historical throwbacks (having a huge interest in table tennis history in general) coupled with stuff like the Y2K-club. For fans in Europe, a lot of players seemingly jump out from nowhere, but through this blog I've come to understand that they often work their way up slowly but steadily.

    As far as requests goes, I'm still very interested in what the structure and organization of elite training for the youngest players look like. How do they make it from a table tennis school to their provincial team? What are the main lessons from the coaches who lay the foundations for tomorrow's top players? That would be really interesting to read about, although I'm guessing information about that is fairly hard to come by.

    And lastly: your coverage of the world championship was simply outstanding. Detailed, informative, with both text and video, and with a lot of reflection on your behalf. It's always a pleasure to read your reports from the bigger championships.

    Keep on struggling, you're doing the international table tennis community a massive favour!

    1. Thank you Magnus! Thanks for giving me these awesome comments. I am not sure whether I am going to market it on the forum as most of the posts seem to be on the technical site but mine are nowhere near. I know a bit table tennis but dare not to write much about it on this blog because I am not a pro. Therefore I try to write more from the spectator's view so random people who may not know much about table tennis would find following table tennis competition easier after reading the articles. Do you think the crowd in the forum would like to follow this style of writing?

      Great to know that you like the throwbacks because they are among the low-view-rate articles. Writing those articles need s lot of effort in screening and searching for competition videos and then highlight the exciting points of the match. I think re-visiting the matches are fun but they are very time-consuming to make those posts. I thought of ending the series but with your comment, I might think of making some throwback in the future. Y2K-club is also a series that I love. It is a great feeling to follow the path of an athlete. Just to let you know there will be 2 more Y2klub articles coming up. Stay tuned.

      I think the closest thing I can find about coaching young players in China is this series and I think you have watched that already.

      I have almost forgotten that I made a recap for the World Championships. It is so unpopular (with less than 20 views, ironically the less demanding posts, like live stream links and schedule have the highest views) that I thought I have screwed that up or people just skip reading that because of they have followed the championships already. Re-reading it reminded me the mixed feeling I have while writing the recap. It is like speed Vs quality,to publish early or make an in-depth summary. At the end I decided to write myself a summary so that I can have all the memorable moments recorded on the post. Yet writing those summary is very time-consuming and it is not easy that I am just doing that in my spare time. So I selectively choose the big ones, that random people might find a guide of following the tournament, and those not closely followed by ITTF. Afterall, ITTF has improved a lot in promoting their events.

      It is always a joy to write about the sport that I like and interact with people who share the same interest. Thank you for your support and comment. There were some problems with the survey and I have fixed that. You can click on the options so that I can see how people think about the blog.

  2. Great Blog! Keep up the great work!
