In Translation: Documentary: Ma Long's Table Tennis Story In Anshan

The New York Times Travel Magazine produced a short documentary about Ma Long revisiting his hometown in Anshan, Liaoning, China. 

What in common among Guo Yue, Li Xiaoxia, Chang Chenchen and Ma Long is that they are table tennis world champion and they are from Anshan, Liaoning. Anshan has been the city of table tennis as there is a huge table tennis population and the hometown of many table tennis world champion. 

In this documentary, Ma Long revisited Anshan, his hometown and Beijing team where he used to spend his childhood training table tennis. Despite the sports center in Anshan was demolished due to city development, Ma Long recalled special moments about his table tennis story. Like the changes of the city landscape, the difficulties that Ma Long is facing now are very different from what he encountered in the past but as long as he likes the sport, he can overcome those hardship. 

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